Yes, I realize I have seriously fallen behind. I am still pondering day 11... mostly because it is supposed to be a picture of me and my friends again and I don't have many on my computer. When I get around to it, (read: when I feel like it) I will scan an old one and post it. For now, I wish to vent, and since this is MY BLOG I will do what I want...
I hate people that think they are better than other people. Everyone is on an equal playing field. Just get that in your head. Because newsflash, no matter what we do in our measly lives, it isn't that significant to anyone other than ourselves, AND we all have the same fate. We are all going to die. So don't get in my face and tell me how you are better than me because you did this or that. I don't give a F**K!!!! I don't care what you've done in your life, if you are trying to flaunt it like you are the ISH then obviously you have learned nothing in the teensy amount of time that you have resided on this planet. The only person qualified to boast is Jesus Christ because he died for our sins, our mistakes, our shortcomings. And if you think you are better than anyone else, then you have MANY. I am so tired of judgemental morons. Seriously, take a long look in the mirror and I'm sure that you won't like what you see. And if you have the balls to come to me and tell me all your opinions and viewppoints, you can at least have the respect to listen to my point of view.
I would like to share a little bit about being an army wife. Some dumb @$$ TV show has dramatized what we go through. Yes, many army wives are flat out whores. I have personally known quite a few. HOWEVER we are not all that way. (P.S. lots of soldiers are manwhores too, so whatever.) Anyway- I am not one of those. Being an army wife, in my opinion, is just as hard as being a soldier. The soldier has the courage and bravery to enter the military, to give up his decisions and plans to do what the military asks him to do. The Army Wife also gives all that up. But we also give up our children's futures, we give up our hopes, our dreams, our plans. We give up our husbands, not knowing if we will ever see them again, trying to hold back tears and put on a brave face while we smile and wish our husbands well as they ship off to the unknown. I have spent 15 months of my life, not including training time, on pins and needles, not knowing if today was the last day I would ever hear my husband's voice. Not knowing if today would be the day that I had to tell his children (not mine, mind you) that their dad was never coming back. Yes, a single soldier risks his life for the freedom of all Americans. But a married soldier risks his life, his wife's life and his children's lives. So don't you dare sit there and tell me that you are better than me. Don't put down my husband, who has risked more than you even know exists. I appreciate what all of our troops have done for this country, and I admire their courage and bravery. But Army Wives have a bravery all their own. When a soldier is deployed, they are just worried about making it out alive. But an Army Wife has to think about what has to be done if that soldier doesn't make it out alive. We have to think about picking up the pieces and going on with our lives after the devastating blow. So think about that the next time you'd like to get in my face. I'm a different kind of fighter. I am an Army Wife.
I have always felt that way about Army Wives! You are amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alisa, I just get tired of all the military drama sometimes... totally needed to vent! :)