Monday, September 24, 2012

First day of Tot School

So Tot School is home school for Tots. It is to expose your Tot to new/different things.

I decided to try Tot School because my son acts like a terrorist and I am his hostage most days. I thought, perhaps he is bored. Let's try it.

Tot School is supposed to be fun. If it stops being fun, you quit for the day. Tot school went for about 15 minutes today. Not bad. We had one episode of standing in the corner for breaking crayons. Also not bad.

Today we colored a page about the letter A. There was Aa, and pictures of apple, astronaut, alligator, ant. I also interviewed my son. I will post the Q&A later, just for your entertainment.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm a loser, baby.

Sometimes I feel like such a loser.
Let me explain.
It took me 8 years to get my associates degree. A degree that should only take 2 years. And it's in Liberal Arts. Which basically qualifies me to be a secretary. The career counselor at my college told me that is about the only job my degree would get me. Except it hasn't even got me that.
Here I am, a year and a half from turning the big 3-0, smack in the middle of the year of my 10 year high school reunion, and I have no career to speak of. I have worked at numerous jobs and have an odd skill set as a result. Pretty much no skills that translate into a career.
Ten years ago, my heart was set on becoming a teacher. One thing I regret when I look back at my life is that I didn't stick to that. I wish I posessed more resolve when it comes to things like that- the following your dreams kind of things, the listening to your head when it really counts. I too often follow my heart, my big mushy heart that wants to be all rainbows and sunshine. Don't ge me wrong, I have found some amazing treasures along the "follow your heart" path, but as I read about my classmates and friends and what they are all doing, I have this little twinge inside me that says, I wish I woulda...
But here's the thing. I don't have a career. When I have an option to put down my occupation, it says HOMEMAKER. Now this is a big occupation. I MAKE a HOME. It is taking me years and years to discover all the ins and outs of this occupation. And I am definitely still learning.
First- Accounting. I am responsible for stretching every last dollar my hard-working hubby brings home. I pay the bills, do the shopping, make sure everyone has the essentials.
Second- Cooking, catering, event planning, etc. I plan and cook meals everyday of the week. I plan the holidays, the birthdays, the bbq's, and any other event that my family partakes in. However, I draw the line at planning my own birthday, which subsequently explains why we haven't celebrated it the last couple years...
Third- Personal Assistant. Yes, I am my husband's personal assistant. I make his coffee and plan his schedule. I do his laundry and his shopping. I make calls, run errands, and set up meetings.
Fourth- Management. I have 6 kids that I am in charge of. I make sure everyone gets to football, track, baseball, scouts, parties, and school, all with lunches, snacks and gifts, respectively. Don't forget dr. appointments, homework and nap schedules! P.S. I also volunteer my time to scouting and school events.
Fifth- Maid Service. On top of all the fancy duties that come with being a homemaker, I also have the task of keeping the house. Making beds, doing laundry, scrubbing toilets, loading dishes, vacuuming... this list NEVER ends. Oh and interior design.
Last, and definitely not least, I am a mom. (Remember those 6 kids I mentioned?) I have three stepkids, two sons, and my sixteen year old brother to look after. And here is the best part. That means I get to be (you guessed it!) a teacher. I have two amazing boys that learn from me daily. And it's taken me this long to figure that out.
So I am done feeling guilty that I didn't get my bachelor's or master's or doctorate as I once dreamed. I have wonderful students that will learn more from me more than anyone else. And I am done feeling guilty about what I am able to put on an application. My life is so much more than what that piece of paper says.
I'm not there yet. My house is a wreck. Our budget never gets followed. My kids miss naptime (and get really CRANKY). There are dishes in my sink. But I am learning balance. I am not an expert. I have only been at this a few years. But I am not giving up. I am determined to make the best home I can. To raise the best boys I can. To be the best wife I can. And if that makes me a loser, baby, I'll take it.